Sunday 8 January 2017


Lets count in japanese language.....
How about objects...?
Practice :
Lets count the number of your belongings/household items....

Drinks (nomimono)

After tabemono here comes the drinks. So what do you like about some drinks? Hehe.... this will be a good recommendation for you.....


____, のみますか。
____, nomimasu ka.
Do you drink ____?
はい、___ のみます。
Hai, ___ nomimasu,
Yes, I drink ____.

Home (Ie)


What your home looks like?  Do you live in a big house, apartment or condominium? Now let see the japanese home.....

 First, the figure above is a manshon(マンション) in japanese. It usually the house for rich and the people who live in the town.
 Thi is ikkodate(イッコダテ)。 It is a separated houses which not linked to others houses. This kind of house are the most famous in Japan since old days.

The last one is called apaato(アパアト). This is just like a small apartment and usually used by students and single boy/girl.

Now let see what is in their home and compared to the thing in our home and room....

 Next, let see the preposition in japanese:
Practice :
1) Draw a plan of your dream home.....
2) Send a mail inviting your friends to your home.

Daily Routine (Ichinichi)

Ichinichi (いちにち)e
The last study is about our daily routine. What is your daily routine? How to talk about them with others?

These are some of the daily routine. You can make your own daily routine and below is the day of a week in japanese language.

You also can talk about hours and what did you do at that time. See the figure below;

Extra ;   han (はn) is used to tell half of the hours

Try to make a video about your daily routine in japanese of course.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Food (Tabemono)

Varieties of food are all over the world, but do you know to say them in Japanese? Let learn and memorize together....

You can either question or answered when someone ask you about the food that you like...

Lets Practice;
なにが すきですか。
Nani ga suki desuka.
What (food) do you like? 
___ が すきです。
___ ga suki desu.
I like ___.

Countries, Works and Families

Now we already know how to greet in japan language, we will move on knowing where the people comes from across the world and how tho say the nationality of the person and their languages, their works and family in japan language. There are slightly different on how to pronounce japan language for other country and to state the nationality of  the person, just need to add "jin" at the last the country names and the same goes on the languanges, just need to add "go" at the end of the countries names.

Moreover, there are many kind of works nowadays. These words below can help you to know the works in Japan language and it's pronounce.

The last one is you can introduce your family(kazoku) in Japanese using the words given below.You must remember that it is different when you introducing your own family members with someone else family.

 Make an business card(your detailed) and write about your own family in Japanese. 

Greeting in Japanese

Greetings are the stater for every conversation, so they are important to learn how the Japanese greet each other. The Japanese will bow their head when they greet each other because it was their culture. There are four types of basic greetings. Ohayou(good morning) is a greeting in the morning, Konnichiwa(hello) usually use in the middle of the day, konbanwa(good evening) is used at night and the last one is oyasumi(good night) is used before sleep.

You can practice with your friends or classmates to greet each other in japanese language. You need to practice a lot on how to pronounce these words correctly as the saying goes "practice makes perfects"